
c00kiemon5ter’s masterplan

{there is none}


This is my personal blog about thoughts, troublings, technology, coding, life, photography, politics, economy, trolling, girls, music and cookies. Most importantly, this is about cookies and their takeabouts to total world domination.


Based on the mighty jekyll. Toto was a nice candidate but, it seems jekyll works best with github pages. Another interesting alternative I may consider in the future is fugitive.

The whole site is static. Comments are handled through disqus and are enabled on demand. Fonts are embedded through typekit. Feed is handled by feedburner Posts are written in markdown.


Design was inspired by mojombo and travis and freshly baked cookies.


cause cookies shall prevail! (plus this world needs some more bloat)


o.look.a.cookie.i.will.do.science.to.it! – 14 Mar 2011
